Albert Ip has a long history in educational technology. He
has always been interested in the communication aspect of the
technology. He designed a student-programmable local area network for
Apple-II microcomputers. He studied the use of electronic Bulletin
Board systems as his Master degree in Education back in 1985. He
developed a comprehensive hyper-text based teacher support system with
searchable free text database, conferencing and multiple choice test
generation just before the birth of world wide web. Albert has also
done extensive work on learning objects, learning object metadata, theorised the online search mechanism. Albert's extension to SCORM
include SCORM-SSS, a scheme to overcome the "mosiac effect" when
learning objects are pulled from different courses and SCO-fetcher, a
solution to overcome the cross-domain scripting problem when a SCORM
compliant LMS is serving lessons from a different data repository. His
other venture in SCORM also includes the SCORM Player which allows
SCORM content to be played from a CD or served from a static web
server. But most importantly, Albert wrote the Fablusi software. |
Roni Linser is a philosopher, musician, educator, a social/political
researcher, broadcaster and a web-master. A former lecturer in Political
Science at the University of Melbourne, his interests always focused
on communicative interaction, power and emotions. He has provided design,
development, authoring, and moderation of role-play simulations over
the last decade in many varied academic contexts and delivered numerous
professional workshops for higher levels of education and training including
institutions like the US Army War College and the Australian Defence
Force Academy. He has used online role plays in his own teaching for
over 12 years, well before the birth of Fablusi and based on this experience
has delivered and published papers and articles in conferences and refereed
journals on the subject of simulation
pedagogy, E-learning,
role-play design
and moderation.
His insight into the pedagogical power of online role play simulation
is backed by extensive experience in designing and moderating online
role plays. Roni is the motivating spirit and co-author of the Fablusi
software. |